Drivers Stay Alert

Though we should always remain completely alert on the road, when school is back in session, there are more reasons to take precautions. Buses will be making sudden stops that you may not be used to on your morning or evening commute. There will also be more children crossing the road to get to their bus or home. The speed limit in school zones is vital during this time of year, as children may be playing outside or walking to school. Drivers must be prepared for anything.


Sharing the Road with the School Bus

As previously stated, school buses will be making sudden stops you may not be familiar with while you are driving to or from work. It is essential to pay attention to the warning lights when the bus is about to stop. You must never pass a school bus with its lights on. No matter how late you are in the morning, there is no excuse for putting the lives of kids in danger. These school buses are carrying our precious children, and it is our responsibility as drivers to do everything we can to avoid a car accident and keep them safe.


Top 5 Tips for Drivers To Avoid A Car Accident

As drivers, we can take a few precautions to keep children safe while traveling to school. Take a look at our top 5 tips:

  1. Say no to distracted driving – No texting and driving, eat breakfast before your commute, turn down the radio; do what you must to stay alert and focused on the road.
  2. Refuse to participate in road rage – It does not matter how late you are for work or if you believe the school bus cut you off, never get angry behind the wheel and take it out on those on the road.
  3. Observe the speed limit – Slow down in school zones and known bus stops.
  4. Never block a crosswalk – If you are stopped at a red light, make sure you stop before the crosswalk so pedestrians may use it to safely cross the street.
  5. NEVER pass a school bus with its lights on – This illegal act can put the lives of children in danger. If a child is crossing the street while you go around the bus, you may cause a fatal car accident. Follow the flashing lights and keep an eye on the child entering or exiting the bus at all times.


Top 5 Tips for Parents to Share with Children

As a parent, we can also help our children stay safe on the school bus by creating a few rules for them to follow.

  1. Make sure they leave on time – Ensure that your child leaves with plenty of time to get to the school bus stop. If they are late, they may have an urge to run which could be very dangerous.
  2. Have them always look both ways before using the crosswalk – If your child must cross the street at any point getting on or off the school bus, make sure they know to look both ways to make sure a car is not coming, even if the bus lights are flashing. Also, make sure they cross at least ten feet in front of the bus to ensure they are seen and wait for the driver’s signal before crossing.
  3. If they drop something in the road, never pick it up – Instead, tell your child to inform the driver or yourself to retrieve it. If they bend down to pick up an object, they may not be seen. Making sure your child always has a backpack to carry all of his or her belongings will help with this.
  4. Keep themselves inside the bus at all times – Recently, a young boy in Minneapolis leaned out the window to say goodbye to his friends and the bus driver pulled away, not noticing he was outside the window. He was struck in the back of the head with a sign and was killed instantly. Make sure your children keep their heads, hands, and arms inside the bus at all times.
  5. Follow the bus driver’s instructors – Ensure your child knows to listen carefully to the bus driver and follow directions, as he or she is just trying to keep them safe.





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