Paragard IUD Lawyers

Join The Paragard IUD Lawsuit today.


Thousands of women were looking for a safe contraception solution. Instead, CooperSurgical put their lives at risk and stole their chance to have a child forever.

But now, they’re fighting back.





CooperSurgical’s Paragard is an IUD, a small T-shaped contraceptive. Paragard is set apart from its four competitors by the use of copper in the device instead of hormones. The copper IUD prevents pregnancy in two ways: Stopping sperm from reaching the egg and fertilizing as well as altering the lining of the uterus. This results in a uterus unfit for a fertilized egg to attach to in order to begin a pregnancy. Once placed in the uterus, Paragard is effective for up to 10 years. Paragard IUD removal is said to be a non-surgical procedure that takes just a few minutes in which some women experience discomfort. However, removal may require surgery if the Paragard IUD becomes stuck in the uterus.



CooperSurgical’s Paragard is marketed to women as a non-hormonal, yet effective and safe way to prevent pregnancy. Advertised as the more natural option due to the device being hormone free, the IUD has a long list of side effects in addition to the most common, painful cramping lasting the first 2-3 months after placement. Countless women have experienced immense pain and medical complications due to Paragard IUD. The use of a Paragard IUD has resulted in the following complications:

  • Perforation or implantation of the fallopian tubes or uterus
  • Infection or damage to organs
  • Severe pain and cramping
  • Permanent infertility
During removal of the Paragard IUD, there have been multiple reports of device breakage within the patient’s uterus. In order to remove the fragmented and embedded Paragard, doctors may require the use of cervical dilation, alligator forceps or other grasping instrument, hysteroscopy, or further surgery. A procedure explained as brief and non-invasive prior to placement resulted in a severely painful and invasive removal for many women with broken pieces of the IUD embedded into their uterus.
CooperSurgical lists “breakage of an embedded Paragard during non-surgical removal has been reported,” however, the medical device company does not furnish data on how often this occurs. Instead of pulling Paragard off the market until the breakage of the device is resolved, CooperSurgical continues to market the potentially harmful IUD to the public without proper transparency of risk of a device fracturing during removal.

CooperSurgical’s Paragard, formerly owned by Teva, is designed to be clinically inserted and prevent pregnancy. Paragard has a limited life span, is removable, and is marketed as a way to let women decide when to have children. Tragically, some women with Paragard now have severe complications and claim the IUD caused them. Some of their complications may cause permanent infertility or even death.

We are reviewing claims for a Paragard IUD lawsuit involving complications including:

  • IUD breakage upon removal
  • IUD expulsion or falling out of the uterus
  • IUD migration
  • IUD embedded in the uterus
  • Infection and/or abscess
  • Inflammation caused by copper left in the body
  • Perforation of the uterine wall or cervix
  • Scarring and damage to other organs
  • Surgeries, including hysterectomy
  • Infertility
  • Death

Why Choose Brindisi, Murad & Brindisi Pearlman As Your Paragard IUD Lawyer?

If you or a loved one has faced injuries due to CooperSurgical’s Paragard reach out to one of our attorneys today. While trying to be safe with contraception, you were instead put in danger of permanent infertility or even death. We will fight to obtain the proper compensation you deserve with no fees or expenses unless a recovery is obtained for you. Brindisi, Murad & Brindisi Pearlman has a team of lawyers ready to fight your Paragard IUD injury case for you. Schedule a free case evaluation to get started today.

If You Have Been Injured By Paragard

Contact Us For A Free Consultation


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Brindisi, Murad & Brindisi Pearlman

2713 Genesee Street

Utica, NY 13501