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Your Private Facebook Posts Are Now Accessible In A New York Lawsuit
These days, almost everyone has a social media account, especially a Facebook profile. We may think we are safe by putting our settings on "private" to prevent strangers from viewing our posts and photos of family and friends. However, in a recent NY lawsuit,...
Injured At An Airbnb In New York… Who Is Liable?
These days, hotels and lodges are not your only option when it comes to traveling. Airbnb is an American company that offers short-term leases and rentals in homes, apartments, and other properties across the globe. Their online marketplace connects those...
How To Avoid A Premises Liability Lawsuit This Labor Day
Labor Day is right around the corner meaning many people will be throwing parties and barbecues in an effort to celebrate the summer season one last time for the year. Many of these parties will be held outdoors on back patios and around pools. If you are...
Injured In An Accident?
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Brindisi, Murad & Brindisi Pearlman
Utica, NY 13501