Unfortunately, we tend to push our bodies to the limit when it comes to getting tasks done on the smallest amount of sleep here in Upstate New York. This can often lead to sleepiness behind the wheel. While yawning and drinking some coffee on your morning commute to work may seem harmless to you, if a tractor-trailer driver feels fatigued, it could be lead to a dangerous and potentially fatal truck accident.


Why Overtired Driving Is Dangerous

Imagine falling asleep at the wheel of your vehicle. This may cause property damage for sure and possibly even minor to severe injuries. Now ponder the driver of a tractor-trailer falling asleep at the wheel. This is a much larger vehicle and, therefore, a crash would likely cause great devastation, including, damage to vehicles and property, loss of cargo, and, even worse, it could severely injure or kill someone. Truck drivers are notorious for having complex and time-sensitive schedules every day. Whether it is their boss forcing them to make up impossible time, or their desire for more income, drivers of semis and big rigs are forced to miss out on necessary sleep in order to perform their job. Some may be at risk of even losing their job should they miss a hard deadline. This leads truck drivers to go to great lengths, such as consuming energy drinks or resorting to drugs to stay awake. Still, these actions often fail and drivers of tractor-trailers may lose consciousness while behind the wheel and in the middle of traffic. This can result in even the most experienced and defensive drivers on the road becoming the victim of a truck accident.


Trucking Accidents During the Holidays


What to Do If You Are a Victim of a Trucking Accident




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